Year: 2020

French Fries | Finger Chips
Side dish, Snacks

How to make homemade french fries | finger chips

Follow me French Fries (Finger Chips) How to make homemade french fries | how to make finger chips. French Fries (Finger Chips) is a very easy recipe and if you like instant snacks then this is the right choice for you. This is such a delicious and ready-to-eat breakfast. Perfect and crisp French fries are not […]

मथरी रेसिपी | नमकीन क्रैकर्स | Mathri Recipe | Mathri Recipe in hindi
North Indian cuisine, Snacks

मठरी रेसिपी | नमकीन क्रैकर्स | Mathri Recipe | Mathri Recipe in hindi

Follow me मठरी रेसिपी  (Mathri Recipe) मठरी रेसिपी | नमकीन क्रैकर्स | Mathri Recipe | Mathri Recipe in hindi. मठरी(Mathri) एक लोकप्रिय उत्तर भारतीय स्नैक रेसिपी है, पुराने जमाने में लोग इसे चाय के साथ खाना पसंद करते थे, भारत में आज भी लोग इसे चाय के साथ पसंद करते हैं। खसखस मठरी को सूजी, […]